COVID-19 Update

Niisaachewan currently has nine active COVID-19 cases, seventeen resolved cases, and twenty-six cases to date.

Fully vaccinated visitors are allowed in the community.  Any visitors that cause any problems/disruptions will be dealt with immediately.  Police will be called to escort visitor off community.

Clinics will still be planned and made available. Dates to be determined.

Anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, is a close contact, or a high-risk and would like to request a rapid antigen test (RAT), can direct your inquiries to one of the following contacts:  Michael Henry, Mary Henry, Lorraine Kabestra, or Chief Lorraine Cobiness.

The Band Office will be closed to the public. Health related visits such as Doctor or Nurse Practitioner appointments will remain on-going.  Staff are back to work and will monitor situations day by day.  Call the office (807) 548-5876 for further information.

Please be mindful that this pandemic is not over, stay diligent and safe.  Wear your mask when out in public, wash your hands frequently and follow public health measures. Together, we will get through this.

Contact Information

Chief and Council

Additional staff on Pandemic Planning Team