Do you need your high school diploma ? Don’t have the time and resources to go back and complete it? This opportunity may be for you. Partnering with the Kenamatewin Native Learning Centre, Niisaachewan’s Education Department will be offering an opportunity to write the GED Test. This is free of charge for the participants. The only real cost to you is the full commitment of your time. Please let us know if you are interested in writing this exam and our Education Directory will sign you up.
About The Program
The GED certificate shows that you have high-school level knowledge and skills, without having completed a formal secondary school program.
The GED test is composed of five tests:
- Writing (language arts)
- Reading (language arts)
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Science
You will need a score of 450 out of 800 on each of the five tests to receive the GED certificate, also referred to as an Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate.
The TVO Independent Learning Centre (ILC) is the only provider of the GED testing program in Ontario.
You must be a resident of Ontario and at least 18 years old.
If you are 18, you must provide a ‘date of leaving’ letter from the last high school you attended. If you were home schooled, you must provide proof that you were home schooled.
This program might be good for you if
- are currently working and need to show your employer a proof of high school equivalency but do not want to go back to high school
- need proof of high school equivalency to find a job or pursue an apprenticeship or studies in college