The All Nations Health Partners Assessment Centre at the Lake of the Woods District Hospital in Kenora continues to operate as a drive through service Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm to meet the area’s COVID-19 testing needs. When weather is no longer favorable for outside/drive through service, the Assessment Centre will move to an indoor service and the public will be notified.
Community members wishing to be tested should call 469-9861 (ext. 2483) in order to be scheduled for the next available appointment (please have your health card number and reliable phone number available). If you are unable to get through to an Assessment Centre clerk, please leave a message on the confidential voicemail. Messages will be returned within one business day. Appointments can be made for either a drive through assessment at the central site or for a mobile assessment team to come directly to a person’s home or First Nations community. Efforts are made to schedule appointments within two days and urgent requests are accommodated the same day whenever possible. Please note in times of increased demand for testing, wait times will increase. The Assessment Centre team appreciates your patience.
The nasal (or nasopharyngeal) swab test is conducted by inserting a long Q-tip-like swab into one or both nostrils to collect a sample. The process is described as being slightly uncomfortable but not painful. Swabs are sent to the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg for processing. If you have a positive test result, the Northwestern Health Unit will call you at the phone number you provided as soon as the result is available, which is usually within 3-5 days. You can view your COVID test results by searching “Ontario COVID-19 test results” online. You will require your valid OHIP card that you used at the time of your test, and you will be asked to provide the 7 digit number on the back of the card to verify that it is you. Once your result is displayed, you cannot print the result but you can take a screen shot of the result and then print that if you require hard copy evidence. If you are unable to view your results, you can call the hospital at 468 -9861 Ext. 2555 and ask for your results either verbally by phone or for a hard copy if required.
COVID-19 symptoms include but may not be limited to fever, new or worsening cough or shortness of breath at rest, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose, and joint aches.
The All Nations Health Partners is a diverse coalition of municipal, Indigenous and health system leaders who have combined forces to support and prepare our communities for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Media Contact
Brock Chisholm
Assessment Centre Coordinator
Lake of the Wood District Hospital
Phone: 807.468.9861, ext: 2290
Email: [email protected]