The Education Department is responsible for all Education related matters, pertaining to our band membership and community members, from Junior Kindergarten to Post-Secondary Studies.
The Education Department covers costs for tuition and school fees for our Nominal Roll students who attend public, private and/or Catholic schools in Kenora, ON. We provide Special Education assistance to our band membership, whom has need of such. We support the endeavours of our band members who are seeking post-secondary education.
We are able to assist our band membership, as long as the person or persons meet the criteria of eligibility for any given education program.
You can contact the Education Coordinator at the Band Office for more information.
Both Coordinators operate under the direction of the NAN Education Committee: which consists of 5 members and 1 band councillor, who is an Ex-officio (no vote). Both Coordinators do not make decisions. All decisions are made by the Education Committee members and enforced via the Coordinators.