RESUME PARTIAL LOCK-DOWN – Please be advised that Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation will resume with the partial lock-down status that was initiated on Monday, November 23. The end of the lock-down continues to be Wednesday, December. 9. Please keep in mind, the lock-down may be extended but notice will be given.
SELF-ISOLATION: If you’ve been tested for COVID-19, you are to be in self-isolation for 14 days. You will not be permitted to go to town until you have completed your isolation or received a negative result.
We ask for those individuals that have been tested to remain in your homes. You are permitted to go into your yard for fresh air, exercise, etc. Please refrain from contact with anyone outside of your home.
If you need food assistance while in self-isolation, please do not hesitate to contact Martina Strong (number listed below). We will do our best to meet your needs.
TEST RESULTS: Please be prepared to show your negative test result at the gate. A screenshot (with the date of the result) can be sent to Lorraine Kabestra, Health Director and Tania Cameron, Pandemic Coordinator. This information will be kept confidential.
SHOPPING DAYS: The checkpoint staff will allow passage at the gate from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm on the following dates:
- Wednesday, December 2
- Friday, December 4
Tania Cameron will be at the gate with the confidential list to verify who received the negative test result and allowed to pass.
STUDENTS & DAYCARE CHILDREN: The partial lockdown continues to include students attending school and children in daycare in Kenora. Parents and guardians, please make the necessary arrangements for school work for your child(ren).
CHECKPOINT: Checkpoint staff are authorized to refuse entry to visitors and to search vehicles for compliance. Non-compliance or threatening behavior towards the checkpoint workers will result in the authorities being contacted.
Community members may use the checkpoint for deliveries of items (pick up and drop off). Checkpoint staff are not responsible for any missing items. Please ensure you set up a time for a pick up.
MEDICALS: Lorraine Kabestra, Health Director, will have medical appointment confirmation slips that must be provided to checkpoint staff to be allowed out and to return. Please return the confirmation slip to the checkpoint staff.
Band and community members that must attend medical appointments out of the region, must self-isolate for 14-days upon return to the community. Please limit the number of individuals travelling to the appointment when possible.
BAND OFFICE: The Band Office will open Monday, November 30 with the following restrictions
a) Only staff (that didn’t receive notice to self-isolate)
b) Only primary care workers
c) Only clients in for their primary care appointments (just in and out – no visiting)
In-person programming remains cancelled (ie. workshops and events). Should community members require appointments, they are to phone the office and arrange a time. Pre-screening will be completed before entering the office. Masks are mandatory. Anyone refusing pre-screening or to wear a mask while in the office will be asked to leave.
COVID-19 TESTING: The next testing date is Monday, November 30 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. Please remain in your vehicle until you are called in for your test. Please bring your health card (you will need it to get your test results). You will be asked to wear a mask. The health practitioner will advise you on the self-isolation period.
EMPLOYMENT IN TOWN: Community members that will work in town will be allowed to leave and return daily. You need to provide a letter from your employer to confirm your employment and include your work schedule. The checkpoint staff will have a copy.
OTHER: If you are a band member living outside of the region and planning to return home, you will be expected to self-isolate for up to 14 days upon your return to the community.
Chief and Council and essential staff will continue to monitor the situation. Updated communication will be posted to the website as the situation develops.
For any other inquiries, Chief and Council can be reached at:
- Lorraine Cobiness 807-548-8924 or (807) 466-8208 text
- Reno Cameron (807) 464-0950
- Fabian Blackhawk (807) 464-4137
- Bernice Major (807) 407-5686
- Martina Strong (807) 548-1134
Additional staff on Pandemic Planning Team
- Lorraine Kabestra (807) 548-5876 or [email protected]
- Tania Cameron – [email protected]
We appreciate our members continuing to do their part in limiting the spread in our community. We will get through this together.