This Program is a community based program. It supports those who have no source of income and assists with preparing participants to be “Job ready” or “School ready”. The “Administrator” and “Employment Caseworker” work closely with each individual that comes through the door, except for “Temporary Care” givers. The program is currently teaching Life Skills to all participants and these workers come out of the Kenora Chiefs Advisory.
The staff of Ontario Works continually look for Schooling and Work that matches their objectives. While this process goes on, the Program does Community Placements that is done in the community. These Placements will do work that enables each participant different duties and also gets the participants to work closely with each other to have a chance to be socially involved together.
Participation Agreements are made with each client every 90 days or less if needed. These Agreements are important to each file to closely monitor their eligibility for assistance. The Life Skills Team will continue to do Job Readiness Workshops for clients to find the work and training they will need to be successful.