Youth Wellness Worker
The Youth Wellness Worker role is to provide services to all youth aged 0-29. These services include but is not limited to referrals to counseling agencies, community-wide events, sports & recreation opportunities, implement workshops, providing case management for at-risk youth and to be the positive role model for the youth in the community. The Youth Wellness Worker assists the Youth Council in development, writing proposals and gaining the momentum required to be a successful youth led council.
The Y.W.W. is lead in all youth programming, youth culture and working towards goals for the future generations. The Y.W.W. actively searches for youth opportunities such as gatherings/summits or training opportunities.
Senior Prevention Worker/Program Manager
The role of the Sr. Prevention Worker is to provide voluntary services to families who are experiencing a crisis with Child Welfare agencies or who are at risk of Child Welfare intervention. The SPW Operates on 3 main levels of Prevention, which is Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Services. Each family services is individual to their needs.
The SPW is available 24/7 for all youth and families who are requiring assistance. The SPW works closely with Child Welfare Agencies, Justice Departments, Mental Health Strategies and Victim Services to assist in decreasing the risk of child abuse, neglect, domestic violence or mental health issues.
The SPW provides Repatriation Services through Anishinaabe Abinoojii Family Services. The Prevention Program is referral based and is mandated to provide services if requested through community links from any Child Welfare agency.
The Prevention Program is a devolved service, but is still affiliated with Anishinaabe Abinoojii Family Services.