The Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation (NAN) Community Trust is requesting letters of interest to fill three (3) Parents Committee Member positions. The Parents Committee is to be established for the NAN Community Trust as per Article 6.0 of the Trust Agreement. The Members of the Parents Committee will support the NAN Community Trustees in carrying out the general purposes of the Trust, related to the Eligible Minors’ Member Payment, and will be an advocate for minors whose funds are held in Trust.
Duties of the Parents Committee Members include:
- Attend and prepare for Parents Committee meetings;
- Liaise and communicate with Parents;
- Provide input and recommendations to the Trustees concerning the investment and management of Eligible Minors’ Member Payment;
- Participate in the hiring of an Independent Financial Advisor and creation of the Investment Policy Statement of the Trust;
- Support the review and recommendation of policies concerning Eligible Minors and Minor Advance requests;
- Provide other input and to receive Information as required under the terms of the Trust.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a Parent, a Member of Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation and 18 years or older;
- Live on OR off-reserve (Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation);
- Resident of Canada for purposes of the Income Tax Act;
- Not be a member of Chief and Council or the NAN Community Trustees;
- Not be an undischarged bankrupt;
- Not be convicted of indictable/felony or trust-related offense;
- Not declared mentally Incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction or by a capacity assessment;
- Have financial, legal, accounting, or business education or experience OR have lengthy experience with the traditions and culture of the Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation;
- Must not be a Family Member of any other Parent Committee candidates applying for the same term or of the Chair of the Parents Committee.
If you are interested in joining the NAN Community Trust – Parents committee, we encourage you to submit a letter of Interest and copy of your resume to the NAN Community Trust no later than January 7, 2023 at 11:59 pm CST. In the letter of Interest, please clearly demonstrate:
- Skills and relevant experience, including committee or board experience;
- How you meet the eligibility criteria and why this role would be a good fit; and
- why you are interested in the role of Parents Committee Member
To submit your letter of interest, Please email to: [email protected]
If you have any questions regarding the Parents Committee or application process, please contact:
Brittney Sault, CIBC Indigenous Trust
Phone: (416) 813-1786
Email: [email protected]