City of Kenora

The Kenora Police Services Board (KPSB) has launched a community survey to gather feedback from the public to help guide the development of its strategic plan.

The KPSB is required by the Police Services Act to complete a Strategic Plan every four years. While the OPP has its own overall strategic plan, the KPSB strategic plan is focused on community specific priorities. As the KPSB lays out its long-term direction and objectives, it is key to hear from our community members and stakeholders on the priorities they view for our community when it comes to policing. The survey results will provide valuable information to steer the strategic planning process to ensure a local, community emphasis.

The survey provides everyone with the opportunity to share their thoughts on policing needs and priorities. It asks questions about community experiences and perception of policing, crime and safety in Kenora to better understand what is important to the community.

“A priority of the Kenora Police Services Board is to ensure our policing meets the community’s expectations and needs, in that its strategic plan, remains focused on promoting and fostering that Kenora is a safe and protected place to live and visit.” says Sara Dias, Kenora Police Services Board Chair. “I encourage everyone to participate in the survey.”

Residents can access the KPSB Strategic Plan Survey at or

It is anticipated that the KPSB Strategic Plan will be completed by April 2022.

About Kenora Police Services Board

The Kenora Police Services Board (KPSB) consists of five member that include municipal officials, provincial appointees and one member of the public appointed by City Council. In consultation with the OPP Detachment Commander, the KPSB establishes overall objectives and priorities for the provision of police services in the City of Kenora, and makes recommendations to the OPP Detachment Commander on police services and priorities.