The Manito Aki Inakonigaawin toolkit is a document that encompasses the spirit, intent, and all of the efforts pursued to further the law. The toolkit outlines key principles that guide us in decision making in the Treaty #3 Territory and will support implementation of Manito Aki Inakonigaawin.

As the law of the Nation, the toolkit will ensure the protection and preservation of inherent and treaty rights. The toolkit is an educational resource for communities, leadership, Treaty #3 members, and Grand Council Treaty #3 (GCT #3) staff. It is designed for the Nation and Treaty #3 communities to further our understandings of our responsibilities to the land and provide guidance for government, communities, leadership and proponents upon operating within the Treaty #3 territory.

Following the toolkit goals, it will support the overall implementation of Manito Aki Inakonigaawin and provide information on how you, your family, and community members can be involved with Manito Aki Inakonigaawin.

Join us on May 31, 2022 @ 10:00am at Niisaachewan Gym.  Lunch is provided.

For more info please contact [email protected].