During the month of July there were a total of 12 calls for service reported to the Treaty Three Police Service. Out of those 12 calls for service, there were 2 Criminal Code offenses (possible criminal charges) reported.
There was 1 crime against a person reported. There were 2 occurances involving crimes against property.
No adults were charged for the month of July, and no youths were charged for the month of July.
During the month of July officers have been continuing with Elder and Band Office visits. Members will increase their efforts to patrol the community as time allows.
Officers have been carrying out property checks on a regular basis. These checks are done often to ensure the security and protection of the buildings in the community. There was 1 property check recorded for the community.
There were 0 R.I.D.E. programs conducted in the community. Officers will put forth efforts to conduct R.I.D.E. programs regularly.
General Summary
There were 12 calls for service for the month of July. The month of June had 12 calls for service; this there has been no change in the number of calls for service.