Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh delivered a cheque for $12,000 to the Kenora Fellowship Center. The sum was raised earlier this summer when Ogichidaa Kavanaugh shaved his head as part of a fundraising campaign. The sum exceeded the original goal of $10,000.

On August 24, 2020 Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh delivered a cheque for $12,000 to the Kenora Fellowship Center. The sum was raised earlier this summer when Ogichidaa Kavanaugh shaved his head as part of a fundraising campaign. The sum exceeded the original goal of $10,000.

The Kenora Fellowship Center is an indigenous led ministry that has a mission to “love, feed, care, guide, and clothe.” The COVID-19 pandemic has caused greater strain on homeless individuals as well as the services they access. As the pandemic continues towards the winter, Ogichidaa Kavanaugh has expressed concerns to governments about the increased challenges facing the homeless this coming year.

“When I needed a haircut after months of not having one due to COVID, I thought I could do some fundraising around it and my mind immediately went to the homeless,” said Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh. “Much of our work here at Grand Council Treaty #3 works in one way or another to help those going through difficult times. I thought that if I could do something to help this would be a good cause and I have been totally inspired by how many people have found enough to give back during these tough times.”

The Kenora Friendship Center is located at 208 Water St. in Kenora, Ontario and can be reached by phone at (807) 467-8205 or by email at [email protected]. Ogichidaa Kavanaugh and Grand Council Treaty #3 encourage all that are able to consider donating to their local homeless shelters to help accommodate the increased needs of the homeless during winter in the time of a global pandemic.


For more information please contact:
Daniel Morriseau
Political Advisor – Grand Council Treaty #3
(807) 464-2647
[email protected]